Short Films...
- Vanessa Williams (Los Angeles, CA)

Drainpipe Dreams
- Drew Louis (Albuquerque, NM)

Fabrica De Munecas (Doll Factory) - Ainhoa Menendez (Madrid Spain)

Grinding Halt - Charlene Reese (Tallahassee, FL)

House Warming - Lina Gartsman (Tel Aviv, Israel)

Hurts Like Love - Rosalyn Coleman (New York, NY)

Just Pretending - Benjamin Teh (New Zealand)

Katrina’s Son - Ya’ke Smith (Ft. Worth, TX)

Love and Defiance - Jeffrey Pike (Brampton, Ontario Canada)

Lunch In Lima - Gail Gilbert (Chicago, IL)

Martyr - Dan Karlok (Jersey City, NJ)

Mascara Negra - Rene Brasil (São Paulo, Brazil)

Mikel’s Faith - Alexander Etseyatse (Brooklyn, NY)

Night Hawks - Aristides Guillen (Edmonton, Canada)

Patient Zero - Jacob Chase (North Hollywood, CA)

Se Verlas Al Reves (A Palindrome Love Story) - Pablo Arreba (Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain)

Stuck On Stupid - George Aponte (Carmel, NY)

The Dance - Pardis Parker(Halifax, Nova Scotia)

The Diary of the Girl Who Committed Suicide
- Andre Jones (Atlanta, GA)

Their Eyes Were Watching Gummy Bears- Raafi Rivero (Brooklyn, NY)

The Raw - Shantre Pinkney (San Francisco, CA)

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