UMFF 2014 Short Films
Animation | College Student Films | Documentary Shorts | Documentary Features | Feature Films | Middle & High School Student Films | Music Videos | Short Films | Web/TV Series
Scapegoat directed by Khadif Sanders (Tallahassee, FL USA)
Scoundrel directed by Michael Kefeyalew (Tampa, FL USA)
Social Predator directed by Michael Berry (AL USA)
Sonnet To Sister directed by Al Morgan (Baltimore, MD USA)
Son Shine directed by Katrelle Kindred (Los Angeles, CA USA)
The Bathroom Attendant directed by Deon Hayman (Glendale, CA USA) | Winner - UMFF 2014 Best Short Film
The Day Before directed by Karisa Beard (Columbus, GA USA)
The Devil Goes Down directed by Nicholas Julius (Oakland Gardens, NY USA) | Winner - UMFF 2014 Best Fantasy Short Film | Winner - UMFF 2014 Shorty Short Film Audience Award
The Polygamist directed by Craig Melville (Darlinghurst, NSW Australia)
Ultimas Voluntades(Last Intentions) directed by Elena Frez (Bilbao, Spain)
When Tables Turn directed and produced by Michael Foster (NC USA) | Winner - UMFF 2014 Best Socially Conscious Short Film