UMFF 2014 Official Web and TV Series
Animation | College Student Films | Documentary Shorts | Documentary Features | Feature Films | Middle & High School Student Films | Music Videos | Short Films | Web/TV Series
Web Series - View all web series in competition on the Urban Mediamakers YouTube Channel. Congratulations to all UMFF 2014 TV series that competed! We are proud of each of you!
Cathy Knows Best directed by Brett Eichenberger (USA) | TV Series
Enlightenments directed by Wilson Mbiavanga (USA) | TV Series | Winner - UMFF 2014 TV Pilot Audience Award
Gifted Corporation directed by Rocío de las Muñecas San Segundo (Bilbao, Spain) | Winner - Best International Web Series | 2nd Place Winner - UMFF 2014 Web Series Audience Award
Going Up! directed by Dana Morgan (Staten Island, NY USA) | TV Series | Winner - UMFF 2014 Best Comedy TV Series | 2nd Place Winner - UMFF 2014 TV Pilot Audience Award
Griots Lament directed by Alex Munoz (Los Angeles, CA USA) | 3rd Place Winner - UMFF 2014 Web Series Audience Award
Half Brothers Episode 4 "Blast from the Past" directed by Delante Sealey (Hyattsville, MD USA)
Learning Curve - Episode #1 directed by Khaliel Abdelrahim (North Hollywood, CA USA)