UMFF 2014 Middle and High School Student Films - Videopalooza Competition
Animation | College Student Films | Documentary Shorts | Documentary Features | Feature Films | Middle & High School Student Films | Music Videos | Short Films | Web/TV Series
Hope For Our Own: An LA Story directed by Riley Beres (San Pedro , CA USA)
How Do You Pronounce Pho?" directed by Carol Nguyen (ON Canada) | Winner - UMFF 2014 Best International Videopalooza Award
In Time directed by Gabrielle Giacomo (Larchmont, NY USA)
It Is What It Is directed by Michael Stevantoni (Campbell River, BC Canada)
Muffin directed by Mudit Murarka (New Delhi, Delhi India)
No Hug Zone directed by Jacqueline Olivo (Fairfax Station, VA USA) | Winner - UMFF 2014 Videopalooza Audience Award
Oneironaut directed by Jennifer Smart (San Diego, CA USA)
Pulling directed by Andrew Robbin (San Francisco, CA USA)
Stranded directed by Clio Gevertz (San Francisco, CA USA)
The Music Box directed by Jacqueline Olivo (Fairfax Station, VA USA)